A Host-Parasite Catalogue of Copepod Fauna of India

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  • Social Environmental and Biological Association, Kolkata ,IN


Catalogue, Host-Parasite, Copepods, Invertebrate and Vertebrate Hosts, India.


This host-paraste catalogue deals with 457 nominal species of parasitic copepods occurring in 297 named host species, and of these maximum representation of 270 species are from fish hosts, while among 39 unnamed host species, 18 from fishes and 21 from invertebrate hosts. Of the 297 host species, 2 host species are from Porifera, 12 from Cnidaria, 7 from Mollusca, 3 from Crustacea, 3 from Echinodermata, 1 from Urochordata and 270 from Pisces. The parasitic copepod species belong to the 32 copepod families under 3 orders, viz., Cyclopoida, Poecilostomatoida and Siphonostomatoida. The host fish order Perciformes (134 species) contains the highest number of copepod parasites (206 species). Host-parasite level assessment has been briefly discussed. The scrombrid fish Rastrelliger kanagurta harbours the highest copepod parsites (9 species).





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Carrassco, N., López-Flores, I., Alcaraz, M., Furones, M. D., Berthe, F. C. and Arzul, I. 2007. Dynamics of the parasite Marteillia refringens (Paramyxea) in Mytilus galloprovincialis and zooplankton populations in Alfacs Bay (Catalonia, Spain). Parasitology, 134: 1541-1550.

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Dev Roy, M. K. 2019. A catalogue of the copepod fauna of India. Part 3. Poecilostomatoida, Siphonostomatoida and Monstrilloida (Arthropoda: Crustacea). J. Environ. & Sociobiol., 16(1): 11-91, tabs. 1-4, addendum.

Dev Roy, M. K. and Venkataraman, K. 2018. Catalogue of the copepod fauna of India. Part 2. Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida (Arthropoda: Crustacea). J. Environ. & Sociobiol., 15(2): 109-194.

Huys, R., Mackenzie-Dodds, J. and Llewellyn-Hughes, J. 2009. Cancrincolidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) associated with land crabs: a semiterrestrial leaf of the ameirid tree. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 51: 143-156.

Pillai, N. K. 1985. Fauna of India – Parasitic Copepods of Marine Fishes, pp. ix- xxiv + 1-900, figs. 1-279. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta.

Sewell, R.B. S. 1949. The littoral and semi-parasitic Cyclopoida, Monstrilloida and Notoda. Sci. Rep. John. Murray Exped. Zoology (1933-1934), 9(2): 17-199, textfigs. 1-41, chart 1.

Sewell, R. B. S. 1951. The epibionts and parasites of the planktonic copepod of the Arabian Sea. Sci. Rep. John. Murray Exped. Zoology (1933-1934), 9(2): 255394, 61 text-figs.