A Critical Review on the Role of Camel Milk in Multiple Health Outcomes

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  • Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), 19 Knowledge Park II, Institutional Area, Greater Noida – 201306, Uttar Pradesh ,IN
  • Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), 19 Knowledge Park II, Institutional Area, Greater Noida – 201306, Uttar Pradesh ,IN
  • Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy Institute), 19 Knowledge Park II, Institutional Area, Greater Noida – 201306, Uttar Pradesh ,IN




Camel’s Milk, Chronic Disease, Protein, Therapeutic Properties


Camel milk has been demonstrated to be effective in treating a broad range of illnesses. Camel’s milk is regarded to have therapeutic properties because of its unique composition. Some people consider camel milk to be a precious commodity. White camel milk is made by combining fat and water. Several clinical studies have shown that camel’s milk is effective in treating a broad variety of diseases, including chronic ones. Most of the medicinal advantages of camel milk are included in this study. Camel Milk ingredients and qualities are similar to those found in mother’s milk, making it superior than cow’s milk. Insulin-like and protective proteins are found in abundance, along with lactose, which is the primary carbohydrate. It has anti-tumor qualities, and the robust immune system components assist combat disorders, including diabetes, autism, and diarrhea. It has been used by Nomads and Bedouins (Arabian tribals) for millennia because of these properties. The main objective of this review article is to demonstrate its various pharmacological roles. Camel’s milk is regarded as a vast medicinal property, as it contains a unique composition of bioactive moieties like lactose, proteins (Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase, Insulin, Casein), vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, D, E), minerals (Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper) carbohydrates etc. Most of the medicinal advantages of camel milk are covered in this paper, like its role in the management of autism, Crohn’s disease, allergic conditions, Hepatitis B and C, as antiviral and antibacterial agent. Hence, this study was planned to collect the updated latest information regarding use of camel’s milk, which will be very beneficial in the field of medicines and managing various ailments for the benefit of mankind.


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How to Cite

Das, S., Mazumder, A., & Dogra, A. (2023). A Critical Review on the Role of Camel Milk in Multiple Health Outcomes. Journal of Natural Remedies, 23(4), 1255–1268. https://doi.org/10.18311/jnr/2023/33998



Review Articles
Received 2023-06-06
Accepted 2023-07-24
Published 2023-11-10



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