Antero-posterior Pharyngeal Size of Well Balanced Faces and Normal Occlusion in Different Growth Patterns

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  • Former Post Graduate Student, Department of Orthodontics, Government College of Dentistry, Indore, M.P. ,IN
  • Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics, Government College of Dentistry, Indore, M.P. ,IN


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A cross sectional study has been carried out to evaluate & compare the anterior-posterior size of nasopharynx & oropharynx area of persons of Malwa area, Indore with different growth patterns. About 1500 subjects from various colleges & schools were screened for the collection of sample & a team of layman, an artist, a general dentist & a senior orthodontist selected 180 subjects. Lateral cephalograms were taken. The subjects and were divided into three groups according to different growth patterns: vertical grower, average grower and horizontal grower, which were further divided into subgroups: male and female. The effect of the growth patterns and sex on the pharyngeal airway size was investigated by means of variance analysis. It was observed that both nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal area measurements were affected by sex; but no difference found between subjects of various growth patterns.



How to Cite

Virendra, V., & Sandhya, J. (2018). Antero-posterior Pharyngeal Size of Well Balanced Faces and Normal Occlusion in Different Growth Patterns. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (India Section), 24(1), 7–14. Retrieved from



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