Effectiveness of an Integrated Behaviour Change Model to Enhance Sense of Coherence and Oral Health Status among School Students in Chennai City – An Interventional Study

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  • Department of Public Health Dentistry, Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital, Thalambur, Chennai – 600130, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Public Health Dentistry, Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Uthandi, Chennai – 600119 ,IN




Oral Health Belief, Oral Health Promotion, Oral Health Status, School Children, Sense of Coherence


Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of an Integrated Behaviour Change model in enhancing Sense Of Coherence and oral health status among school students in Chennai city. Materials and Methods: 200 school children aged 13-15 years, were randomly allocated into the study and control group. The Integrated Behaviour Change Model was used to improve students’ Sense of Coherence and Oral Health Status in the study group. Students in the control group received conventional oral health education using lecture method, peer teaching and audio-visual method. The Sense of Coherence of students in the study group was recorded using the 13-item Scale and Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S), Gingival Index (GI) and Plaque Index (PlI) were used to assess Oral Health Status. Oral Health Belief was also recorded. After six months, Oral Health Status and Oral Health Beliefs were assessed. Sense Of Coherence of students in the study group was assessed. Results: The per cent decrease in the OHI-S score was 51% in the study group and 36% in the control group (p=0.001). PlI scores showed 66% and 63% reduction in the study and control group, respectively. After six months, the Oral Health Belief in the study group increased by 59% and the control group showed a 51% increase (p=0.013). Sense Of Coherence score showed a 10% increase in the study group. Further, improvement in the OHI-S score was found to be associated with the Sense Of Coherence score of students in the study group. Conclusion: The intervention established in this study improved the Sense Of Coherence and Oral Health Status of school students. The improvement in Oral Health Status obtained in the study group was higher than in the control group.



How to Cite

Pavithra, R., & Kumar, P. D. M. (2024). Effectiveness of an Integrated Behaviour Change Model to Enhance Sense of Coherence and Oral Health Status among School Students in Chennai City – An Interventional Study. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (India Section), 38(1-2), 9–16. https://doi.org/10.18311/jpfa/2024/36518



Original Research Article



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