Role of Women in Commercial Driving – A Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT) Approach
Constructivist grounded theory, Gender Discrimination, Male- dominated Profession, Women Workforce, Work-life balanceAbstract
Women who work in fields where men predominately do so face particular difficulties and employ particular coping skills that have an impact on their motivation and retention in these fields. This study investigates women’s experiences working in male-dominated sectors to comprehend the challenges they encounter and uncover coping mechanisms that allow them to continue their career paths. A lot of women who first favour jobs with a male preponderance quickly transition to female- or gender-balanced career pathways. Plans to motivate women in sectors with a male preponderance can be made easier by understanding their experiences. This exploratory qualitative study was carried out by the researchers utilizing a constructivist grounded theory methodology. They interviewed 60 well-chosen professional drivers in-depth and unstructured. To examine the data, they employ a constructivist grounded theory methodology. The authors contend that discrimination and sexism are mostly caused by unfair practices that women must deal with. These behaviours include disregarding the special physical traits of women and the necessity of work-life balance. Female resilience includes using femininity, accepting masculinity, mentoring, and intrinsic motivators. This study adds to the corpus of information on better retaining and integrating women in environments where men predominate.
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Copyright (c) 2023 R.C Banumathi, D. Vennila
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