Aim & Scope

The multilateral and domestic institutional contexts for international trade, tax and capital flows, the role of markets, bulk, container and mercantile trade; logistics in trade, services, trading exchanges of commodities, equities, bonds and derivatives, forex, futures and options; market transparency, trade governance: the roles of UNCTAD, trade policy, transboundary trade pacts and rules and trading blocs ; long and short term trading contracts; the rules, formal and informal; trade disputes and resolution; corruption in trade: money laundering, terror financing, misinvoicing, tax evasion; logistics of trade; interdependence of technology and digital markets; markets and politics ; technological innovation and competition (data access and management, financial technology, security ) in trade; the rules relating to market access, services, agriculture, trade-related intellectual property (TRIPs), fair trade and safeguards; multinationals, onshoring and offshoring, incentives and vertical specializations in trade. Trade Law. Competitive and ethical trading.

Trade financing: early stage financing, project financing, revenue stream financing, credit financing, letter of credit ; risk and insurance; financing entrepreneurial enterprises in trade and capacity building: bootstrapping; debt vs. equity; the choice between angel investors, venture capital (VC), and strategic investors; and the sequence of financing stages; private or public equity investing .

Ethical decision-making and assessment of risks, understanding business models, analyzing key operational metrics, modeling cash flow and capital requirements, evaluating sources of financing, structuring and negotiating investments, managing organizational culture and incentives, navigating the trade-offs between control versus growth objectives, and handling adversity and failure. Financial and cost accounting, design of accounting systems, techniques of analysis, and cost control. Interpretation and use of accounting information for decision making.

Software, internet, artificial intelligence and machine learning dependent business models and operational approaches in data-driven environments; the creation of algorithms, software infrastructure, data pipelines, and experimentation platforms; compliance and ethical issues, investing in security infrastructure., leveraging data and sophisticated analytics.

Trade and projects, trade and production field and plants relationship, rules of trade and business sustenance.

Industrial development strategies, external capital (ISEC) and local resource (ISLR). ISEC: basic infrastructure such as land, traffic system, water supply and electric power. The ISLR strategy: value added products and promoting industry by efficient utilization of local resources; traditional technology and culture; and human resource. Generation of surplus, import substitution, exports and economic growth. Export performance, employment, and economic Growth; vulnerability, policy responses to external shocks, policy prescriptions and prospects.