Aim and Scope

Focus and Scope of Journal

Toxicology International is dedicated to publishing a wide range of scholarly works including full-length original research papers, research reviews, and short communications encompassing various aspects of toxicology. Manuscripts are evaluated based on their relevance to the journal's focus on the toxicology of xenobiotics (such as drugs, pesticides, and environmental contaminants) and their associated mitigation strategies. Our scope includes research both in vivo and in vitro, spanning descriptive and mechanistic studies that contribute to the risk assessment of toxic agent exposure.

Expanding our scope, we welcome articles that delve into the source, transport, fate, and effects of environmental contaminants on human health. This encompasses contaminants present in various mediums including air, water, sediments, and biota, exploring their behavior and impact on the environment. Furthermore, we encourage submissions that investigate the effects of contaminants on human and animal health, as well as other organisms.

Our journal also embraces research findings related to contaminant monitoring, occupational exposure, and toxicity testing of chemicals necessary for regulatory compliance. Toxicology International serves as a platform for the timely dissemination of scientific discoveries, fostering multidisciplinary approaches across fields such as pathophysiology, molecular mechanisms, biochemistry, environmental science, and all other branches of toxicology.