Impact of Socioeconomic Status on the Outcome Measures of Supplementary Feeding Programme among Preschool Children in Rural Tamil Nadu

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  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Regional Research Laboratory (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), Trivandrum-695 019 ,IN
  • Sri Sathya Sai Trust Hospital, Trivandrum - 695 013 ,IN
  • Health Action by People, Pettah, Trivandrum - 695 024 ,IN
  • Health Action by People, Pettah, Trivandrum - 695 024 ,IN
  • Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies (Sri Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology), Trivandrum - 695 011 ,IN


Socioeconomic status (SES) plays a vital role in the overall nutritional status and growth performance of people, particularly during childhood and adolescence, the periods that influence the entire life cycle. Socioeconomic environment (including nutritional and health inputs) is the ultimate determinant of growth and development of human organism; opportunities available for acquisition of skills, social placement in life and the quality of life enjoyed as an individual or community member.


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How to Cite

Sivan, Y. S., Alwin Jayakumar, Y., Arumughan, C., Sundaresan, A., Jayalekshmi, A., Suja, K. P., Soban Kumar, D. R., Deepa, S. S., Damodaran, M., Soman, C. S., Raman Kutty, V., & Sankara Sarma, P. (2003). Impact of Socioeconomic Status on the Outcome Measures of Supplementary Feeding Programme among Preschool Children in Rural Tamil Nadu. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 40(8), 280–290. Retrieved from



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