Status of Dietary Fibres in New Millennium-A Review
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Dietary fibres (DF), composed of celluloses, hemicelluloses, pectins, lignins and other non-digestible materials in the food not amenable to the action of alimentary enzymes of human beings, play a multifaceted role in preventing a number of health disorders through their influence in the gastrointestinal tract. Their effectiveness is governed by physical properties such as particle size when ingested, water holding capacity, solubility and viscosity in aqueous phase, affinity to bile acid salts, cationic binding/exchange effect, fermentability in the bowel and chemical identity and proportion of the various constituents. DF undergo very little changes during processing of foods except size reduction.Downloads
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How to Cite
Singh, J. N., Kumar, R., Kumar, P., & Singh, P. K. (2000). Status of Dietary Fibres in New Millennium-A Review. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 37(8), 261–273. Retrieved from
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