Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Food Security in India

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Agricultural Investments, Agricultural Productivity, Climate Change, Food Security, Infrastructure, Irrigation


in the world. Increased occurrence of temperature extremes, increase in the number of warm days and nights, altered rainfall patterns, increased frequency of deficit monsoons and heavy precipitation events have been observed in the country. Further, these trends are projected to continue. In this context, the study discusses the climate change trends and their impact on agriculture and food security in the country. The empirical analysis using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Instrumental Variables ((IV) regressions shows that climate especially temperatures adversely impact both agriculture and food security. The importance of promotion of appropriate strategies to address agricultural productivity especially enhanced irrigation facilities, infrastructure and adoption of direct interventionist measures addressing food insecurity in the country is underlined by the research article.


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How to Cite

Kaur, H., & Kaur, S. (2018). Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Food Security in India. Journal of Business Thought, 7, 35–62. Retrieved from
Received 2018-05-23
Accepted 2018-05-23
Published 2018-05-23



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