Instructions to Authors
Journal of Business Thought, an annual refereed publication of Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce, University of Delhi, invites original, exploratory, conceptual and empirical contributions on all aspects of commerce and economics relating to economic policy and sustainability, finance, taxation, banking, marketing, management, global integration, and development studies having practical implications.
While sending the articles, the following guidelines must be strictly followed:
1. Manuscript should be around 5000 words, typed in 12-point sized font (Times New Roman) with 1.5 line spacing. Matter should be typed with 1.5 inch margins on all sides with all pages duly numbered. A soft copy of the manuscript in MS Word format should be submitted
2. The manuscript should follow the following order of presentation:
- The first page of the article should contain the title of the article, the author’s name, profile, address and contact numbers. In case of multiple authors, the cover page should indicate the author to whom correspondence should be sent.
- The second page should include an abstract of maximum 100 words and keywords (up to six) along with JEL classification.
- The text of the article must begin from page three.
- The references, strictly written in APA format (refer point 3 below) should follow on the next page after the article.
- The appendices should be clearly numbered and specified on separate pages after the references.
- Too many heading/ sub-headings must be avoided. These are to be used only to designate major sections of the articles.
- Each table, figure or illustration should have a number and title. It should be referred to in the body of the text at appropriate places. The source of the same must also be specified below it.
3. Journal of Business Thought will now follow the APA style of referencing.
- Elements of the Citation: References within the text of the article should follow the basic citation format- Author's Last Name(s) or Organization, Year.
Citing single author works:
Narrative Citation: McClintock (1996) comments that……
Parenthetical Citation: Derivatives are expected to……..(McClintock, 1996)
Citing two-author works:
Narrative Citation: According to Choudhary & Bajaj (2013)…………..
Parenthetical Citation: Derivatives are expected to……..(Choudhary & Bajaj, 2013)
Citing three or more than three author works:
Narrative Citation: He et al., (2020) find that …………..
Parenthetical Citation: Previous studies have concluded that……..(He et al., 2020)
Citing more than one work:
Derivatives help reduce volatility…..(McClintock, 1996; Stulz, 2004)
- References which are cited in the text should be mentioned here.
- It should appear at the end of your text.
- The list should be arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author.
Single author:
McClintock, B. (1996). International financial instability and the financial derivatives market. Journal of Economic Issues, 30(1), 13-33.
Two authors:
Choudhary, K., & Bajaj, S. (2013). Price discovery process in nifty spot and futures markets. Global Business Review, 14(1), 55-88.
More than two authors:
He, F., Liu-Chen, B., Meng, X., Xiong, X., & Zhang, W. (2020). Price discovery and spillover dynamics in the Chinese stock index futures market: a natural experiment on trading volume restriction. Quantitative Finance, 20(12), 2067-2083.
Journal article with Doi:
He, F., Liu-Chen, B., Meng, X., Xiong, X., & Zhang, W. (2020). Price discovery and spillover dynamics in the Chinese stock index futures market: a natural experiment on trading volume restriction. Quantitative Finance, 20(12), 2067-2083.
- Elements of the Citation: Author(s) - Each author's last name and initials should be listed as Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. An ampersand (&) should be used before the final author's name. (Year of Publication in parentheses). Title of the book (in italics). (Edition in parentheses). Publisher.
Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. MIT press
Gujarati, D. N., & Porter, D. C. (2009). Basic Econometrics (5th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin.
- Elements of the Citation: Author Surname, First Initial. Second Initial. (Year, Month Day in parentheses). Article title: Subtitle. Newspaper Title (in itlaics), [page range.] URL [if viewed online.]
Kaur, S., & Kaur, H. (2014, July 30). Freakonomics of grain reserves and price spikes. Financial Express.
4. Papers should not have been simultaneously submitted for publication to any other journal, magazine, or newspaper. A declaration about the same should be given in the format of the ‘Declaration Form’ that can be downloaded from the college website. The signed declaration form should be sent to the editor at the college address (mentioned on website) or its scanned copy can be emailed by the author/s to [email protected]
5. The corresponding author will be informed of the acceptance/rejection/modification of the manuscript within two months of the submission of the manuscript.
6. Authors should ensure that the submitted manuscript is original. Further, the work and/or words of others in the work should be appropriately cited or quoted. The originality of articles is also checked through ithenticate software. The Journal follows the University of Delhi guidelines regarding plagiarism and unacceptably high level of plagiarised content is not published.
7. A complimentary copy of the issue of the Journal will be sent to the corresponding author.