Green Office Building Environmental Perception and Job Satisfaction

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  • Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University, 2 Prachan Road, Pranakorn, Bangkok - 10200 ,TH
  • Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University, 2 Prachan Road, Pranakorn, Bangkok - 10200 ,IN



Job Satisfaction, Perceived Indoor Air Quality, Perceived Thermal, Perceived Acoustic, Green Office Building, Environmental Factors
Quantitative methods


The paper investigated the factors affecting job satisfaction in office buildings with LEED quality certification. The findings were useful information to help tenants make decision more easily when they perceive benefits from renting certified office buildings in Thailand. Also it supported investors to improved and designed to hold future sustainable innovations. This research used questionnaires as the instrument. Pre-test was completed by 10 respondents in order to evaluate the lucidity of questions, and to revise incomprehensible or unclear ones. Cronbach's alpha was applied to examine the validity of each construct. Exploratory factor analysis was brought to group relating variables all together in the same components for fewer variables. All questions had been revised again to get the ones that cover the objectives of the research and all targeted factors before real data was collected from at least 200 samples. The valid sample size was 286. Respondents are employees working at green office buildings in Bangkok. We gathered data by directly distributing structured questionnaires at Park Venture, AIA Capital Center and Sathorn Square and via Google Docs in February 2016. After performing an exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis, we found the significant direct relationship between three independent constructs, namely perceived indoor air, thermal, acoustic and visual, and job satisfaction. The study showed the importance of indoor environment, especially on perceived indoor air quality. This paper shed the light to the office building renters and/or investors in Thailand that they should select or renovate office building toward green designs. Green office buildings attract office rates, provide better human capital management, lead to better competitive advantages in doing business and attract management of corporations who are concerned with employees' job satisfaction and environmental factors that contribute to employees' satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Saengsawang, S., & Panichpathom, S. (2018). Green Office Building Environmental Perception and Job Satisfaction. SDMIMD Journal of Management, 9(2), 23–31.



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