Pattern of Consumer Expenditure and Poverty Level:A Case Study of Two Villages in Kerala

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  • Department of Statistics, National Institute of Nutrition, [Indian Council of Medical Research], Jamai Osmania P.O., Hyderabad - 500 007 ,IN
  • Department of Statistics, National Institute of Nutrition, [Indian Council of Medical Research], Jamai Osmania P.O., Hyderabad - 500 007 ,IN


The study on the expenditure pattern is very important in any study related to poverty and standard of living. In India, the National sample survey of household consumer expenditure is the only source of information to study the indicators of human living standard called MPCE (monthly per capita consumer expenditure). For a household, MPCE is the household consumer expenditure over a period of 30 days divided by household size. In India the official estimates of the poverty line was defined based on the expenditure required to obtain 2400 Calories for the rural and 2100 Calories for the urban. The poverty line for the base year 1973-74 has been taken as per capita expenditure level of which these calorie norms are met.


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How to Cite

Antony, G. M., & Visweswara Rao, K. (2005). Pattern of Consumer Expenditure and Poverty Level:A Case Study of Two Villages in Kerala. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 42(8), 357–366. Retrieved from



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