Weighment Method of Diet Survey - a Case Study of Reference Periods by Economic Status
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The techniques commonly employed for undertaking diet surveys in families comprise of weighment and oral questionnaire (24 - hour recall) methods. The period covered for such surveys ranged from one random day to seven days. There are very few studies covering a period of one month. In various studies, different types of observations were reported in respect of the appropriateness of reference period for undertaking diet surveys amongst different types of groups of families and individuals, Chalmers etal.Downloads
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How to Cite
Viquarunnisa, M.- ur-R., & Visweswara Rao, K. (1999). Weighment Method of Diet Survey - a Case Study of Reference Periods by Economic Status. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 36(12), 505–520. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/7046
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