Impact of Iron and Vitamin A Supplementation on Anaemic Pregnant Women

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  • Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Deemed University, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN
  • Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Deemed University, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN
  • Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Deemed University, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN


Epidemiological studies have demonstrated significant relationships between serum vitamin A level and biochemical Indicators of Iron status. It is assumed that vitamin A is involved in the regulatoin of iron transport from the llver. It is also believed that vitamin A Improves the haemoglobin level by improving the absorption or utilisation of iron by the bone marrow. Recent studies done at different centres in India have shown a beneficial effect of vitamin A supplementation to pregnant women on haemoglobin values. This is significant. In the context of high prevalence of both anaemia and vitamin A deficiency in pregnant women. Hence, the present study was planned io study the impact of iron and vitamin A supplementation on anaemic pregnant women.


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How to Cite

Paul, M., Bharathi, S., & Vijayalakshmi, P. (1994). Impact of Iron and Vitamin A Supplementation on Anaemic Pregnant Women. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 31(8), 224–230. Retrieved from



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