New Bounds for the Jensen-Dragomir Functional with Applications in Analysis

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  • Department of Mathematics, Sirjan University Of Technology, Sirjan ,IR
  • Department of Mathematics, Sirjan University Of Technology, Sirjan ,IR
  • Department of Mathematics, University of Jiroft, Jiroft ,IR



Shannon’s Entropy, Jensen’s Inequality, Dragomir’s Inequality, Convex Function.
26B25, 26D15, 94A17


The normalised Jensen functional is an important functional in theory of inequalities and it has been a subject of study in its own right. In this paper, we establish new bounds for Jensen’s discrete inequality. Also, we improve the basic result of Dragomir through a stronger refinement of Jensens inequality which is then applied to analysis and information theory.


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How to Cite

Sayyari, Y., Dehghanian, M., & Barsam, H. (2023). New Bounds for the Jensen-Dragomir Functional with Applications in Analysis. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 90(1-2), 175–185.
Received 2021-09-26
Accepted 2022-07-09
Published 2023-03-24



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