Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024

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The August 2024, issue 8 contains two review articles, two short reviews, fourteen research articles, one short communication and one case report. The review articles in this issue are about the protective effects of herbal agents against hepatorenal toxicity and the role of diet-derived flavonoids in clinical oncology. The short reviews include the ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological activities of the genus erythroxylum and a short review on herbal wisdom for Alzheimer's disease.

There are research articles on, the effect of Patol-katurohinyadi kwatha in paracetamol induced hepato-toxicity, effect of garlic essential oil in mice subjected to lead toxicity, physicochemical and phytochemical evaluation of Psoralea corylifolia seeds, phytochemical profile and in-silico studies on bioactive compounds from Falconeria insignis, development and optimisation of olive oil-infused emulgel from andrographis extract, comprehensive studies on the ethanol fraction of Tabernaemontana coronaria and Thunbergia alata, RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of berberine hydrochloride, plumbagin and conessine, comparative analytical study of Shatavari ghrut prepared by two different rules of Snehapak, multiple studies on extracts of Justicia beddomei, HPTLC method for simultaneous estimation of piperine, bergapten, plumbagin and lupeol, effect of Pyrus communis leaf extract on DOCA salt induced hypertension in rats, standardization of Urena lobata, evaluation of acute and sub-acute toxicity analysis of Pygmaeopremna herbacea roots and evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bacillus coagulans for anti-hypercholesterolemic effect.

The short communications is about optimizing the polyphenol content in Portulaca oleracea by different extraction methods for antioxidant constituents and there is an ayurvedic case report on the management of osteonecrosis.

Published: 2024-09-02

Review Articles

Short Review

Research Articles

Case Report

Short Communication