Effect of Additional Intake of Milk on Blood Pressure and on Plasma Cholesterol
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Evaluation of arterial blood pressure/hypertension is a common public health problem in India, especially among the middle age and in the old age groups. Because of this, emphasis has been increased treating hypertension with diet. Hypertension is a symptom of heterogeneous group of diseases. No single nutrient has conclusive and unique relationship with blood pressure (Bp) has been demonstrated, barring for well established association of obesity and hypertension as well as common salt (NaCl) with hypertension. The accepted criteria for hypertension is if systolic (syts) Bp is greater than 130 mmHg in people less than age 45 years and syts Bp more than 150 mmHg above 45 years of age. Hypercholestremia is also associated with hypertension and heart diseases. These both factors are associated with increased rate of myocardial infarction and sudden death. Milk has been found to be hypocholesterimic. The present study has been elucidated to see the effect of milk on Bp pressure and plasma CHOL (cholesterol).Downloads
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How to Cite
Kochar, G. K. (2000). Effect of Additional Intake of Milk on Blood Pressure and on Plasma Cholesterol. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 37(3), 85–90. Retrieved from https://informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/7040
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