Studies on Microatomised Protein Foods Based on Blends of Low Fat Groundnut, Soya Bean and Sesame Flours and Skim Milk Powder and fortified with Vitamins, Calcium Salts and Limiting Amino Acids IV. Supplementary Value of the Foods to Diets Based on Rice and Blends of Tapioca, Rice and Maize Flours

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  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN


Diets based predominantly on a mixture of tapioca and rice or tapioca and maize are deficient in protein, certain vitamins and minerals and are widely consumed by children in several developing countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa. The incidence of protein malnutrition is particularly high among infants and preschool children consuming such diets.


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How to Cite

Taskar, P. K., Srinivas, H., Paul Jayaraj, A., Narayana Rao, M., Rajalakshmi, D., Rajagopalan, R., & Swaminathan, M. (1967). Studies on Microatomised Protein Foods Based on Blends of Low Fat Groundnut, Soya Bean and Sesame Flours and Skim Milk Powder and fortified with Vitamins, Calcium Salts and Limiting Amino Acids IV. Supplementary Value of the Foods to Diets Based on Rice and Blends of Tapioca, Rice and Maize Flours. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 4(1), 65–73. Retrieved from



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