Formulation, Preparation and Evaluation of Diets Based on the Recommended Allowances of ICMR for Low Income Groups
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Food is the first concern of man, occupying a very important part in his life. An adequate diet is one which contains all the required nutrients in proper quantities through foods which are combined in suitable proportions, and furnish the required number of calories. However in our country, the low income groups are not in a position to obtain adequate diets because of economic limitations.Downloads
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How to Cite
Devadas, R. P., Vijayalakshmi, P., & Gowri, K. (1975). Formulation, Preparation and Evaluation of Diets Based on the Recommended Allowances of ICMR for Low Income Groups. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 12(5), 133–138. Retrieved from
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